Delivery Expectations We do our best to estimate delivery dates for your purchase.
The estimated date of delivery of your order and the cost of shipping depends on which Delivery Speed you select during Checkout, which factors in item availability, processing time, and transit time. Shipping times shown on , or reflect how long the shipment will take to arrive after it has left the warehouse/shipping facility.
Please note: You may receive your items on different days and in multiple boxes. When your items ship, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information you can use to track them online.
Delivery dates are not guaranteed. Sometimes the availability of the items in your order may change while we are processing your order. In this event, you will receive an email notifying you of a delay, and the remaining eligible items in your order will be shipped as scheduled.
NOTE: Business Days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by the Post Office and UPS, such as New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Explores the ancient Egyptian Ankh, a cross which symbolized both the physical and eternal life, and its relationship to the origin of electromagnetism.